WAEC Grading System for WASSCE in Nigeria

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) uses a specific grading system for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in Nigeria. This grading system is based on a percentile scale, with specific letter grades corresponding to ranges of marks. Here’s a breakdown of the WAEC grading system for WASSCE:

WAEC Grading System for WASSCE

Score Range (%) Grade Interpretation Remarks
75 – 100 A1 Excellent Distinction
70 – 74 B2 Very Good Distinction
65 – 69 B3 Good Credit
60 – 64 C4 Credit Credit
55 – 59 C5 Credit Credit
50 – 54 C6 Credit Credit
45 – 49 D7 Pass Pass
40 – 44 E8 Pass Pass
0 – 39 F9 Fail Fail

Key Points to Note:

  • A1 and B2 are considered Distinction grades.
  • B3, C4, C5, and C6 are Credit grades.
  • D7 and E8 are Pass grades but are not considered strong for university admissions.
  • F9 is a Fail grade, meaning the candidate did not meet the minimum requirements for that subject.

What Does This Mean for Students?

  • To qualify for most university admissions in Nigeria, students generally need Credits (C6 or higher) in core subjects such as Mathematics and English.
  • A1 to B3 grades are highly valued, particularly for competitive courses in higher institutions.

This grading system allows WAEC to evaluate students’ performance across a broad spectrum of subjects, ensuring fair assessment based on standardized criteria.

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